Passion4Wine Services - Fundraising Events

I regularly run fundraising events in aid of charities and other worthy causes, with the amount raised ranging from a few hundred to over £1,600 pounds. These occasions are structured around the Wine Tasting package and often incorporate aspects of my Wine Events, and they provide further opportunities to raise funds on the day. I take care of everything related to the wine tasting and just ask the event organiser to provide a venue, market the event and sell tickets and, where appropriate, identify sponsors.
Sponsored Events: Your fundraising potential is maximised if you can identify organisations and/or individuals to provide or sponsor the wines and any other aspect of the event. In this case I charge a fixed amount to organise and project manage the occasion: this includes liaising with sponsors to identify suitable wines and providing everything that is required for the tasting (glasses, spittoons, information & tasting sheets, quiz if required).
If you are unable to find sponsors then I will select and supply all the wines and charge a reduced rate per person such that money is raised from every ticket sold and from any other activities that take place at the event. As an example this format is used for a local Scout Unit who regularly raise over £500 per event.
Please contact me to discuss the best options for your event and I will provide a proposal and quotation.